Is It Worth It?

We have many parts to the recovery program here at Wagner Hills. One size does not fit all. So we have added a variety of elements to the year-long program in an effort to meet people where they are at and to bring opportunity for each person for find their breakthroughs where they need it.


We aren’t trying to fix anyone. 

It’s not about just getting sober; it’s about throwing them a life saver…a game changer. We invite our men and women to go deeper, we remind them who they truly are, we invite them to step into freedom from the shame and guilt and hurt that has weighed them down, we give them tools to equip them in life. It’s not only about stopping destructive behaviour to themselves and to those around them, but getting the healing, the growth, and the transformation to step into the fullness of who they are.


We know this building is a big project. But we also know how big the impact will be and the ripple effect it will cause. We invite you to be part of the impact.


Because they need to know that they are worth it. 


The Main Thing


Why a Gym?